Exciting Events, Awesome Growth, and a Major Personnel Change

Jesse MacKenzie
May 31st, 2016

Trust Newsletter May 2016

Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Summer is upon us and that means live printing season for Trust. The past couple weeks have brought us 3 amazing events around Fort Worth. First up was Prairie Day in the Botanic Gardens, a beautiful event for BRIT, the Botanical Research Institute of Texas showcasing the nature and wildlife of Fort Worth. Next up was the Beastro at the Fort Worth Zoo. The Beastro was an awesome event, full of great vendors and friends. Our tent was very busy, printing around 150 shirts. Wrapping up our busy May was the 2nd annual Brewed Fest, a Wiffle Ball showdown between Fort Worth’s coffee makers and brewers put on by our good friends at Brewed. Trust took a more active role this year, as Ryan and I joined the coffee team as honorary coffee lovers and helped lead them to a second straight victory! The proceeds from Brewed Fest went to the Fairmount Community Library.

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Trust Live Printing

Exciting Growth

Exciting Growth

Trust’s growth has been fairly consistent since our inception. We have relied almost entirely on word-of-mouth for our marketing, attempting to create the best possible product and allowing word to spread about what we can do. Along with a strong focus on growing existing customers, we have been able to enjoy growth every year of our existence.

Exciting Growth

Since moving to Fort Worth last year, we have increased our social media presence and tried our best to get out into the community. We have put some resources into marketing and started initiatives like this newsletter to better connect with current and potential customers. Business is always unpredictable, but some combination of those things and our ever evolving chase for the best prints has created a spike in our business. 2015 was a huge year, but 2016 is already up 40%! This has sparked a few massive changes in the company. We bought Press 3 a few months ago, but we are now filling out our full press teams and all three presses are spinning daily. We want to brag on the hard work of our team, and we also recognize that we are blessed with awesome customers who choose us, partner with us, and even tell other people about us.

Rep 3: Travis

Travis Bryant is our new third Customer Rep

The meteoric rise of Travis Bryant continues this month as he makes an exciting move into our office to become our third Customer Representative. Travis has been with us over 6 months, working hard in production and bringing smiles to the team. His beautiful voice was destined for the phones, and his beautiful face necessitates a front office. Oh, also he’s a hard worker with a great, helpful personality.

Travis Bryant is our new third Customer Rep

We have been rocking two Reps for several years now, even though our customer list and our workload has expanded substantially. Central has boosted our efficiency and helped us handle more, and Janell and Tiffany have absolutely crushed it keeping our helpfulness and accuracy up to their incredibly high standards. However, if our people are at 100% capacity they don’t have any room to grow themselves, their work, or us. We don’t want that, and bringing Travis into the office will help us get all three Reps to a comfortable, strong workload prepared for even more growth moving forwards.

Print of the Month

Print of the Month

North Texas Youth Ministries — 16 Black

Gold Discharge and Black Foil on District DT6000 – Black

Our very favorite prints are the ones that combine great design with great printing. This shirt forNorth Texas Youth Ministries easily fits those categories, as well as giving us the exciting challenge of foil printing. To accomplish this look, we printed our gold discharge and a thick black plastisol where the foil would sit. Then we took the shirts over to the heat press to combine with our roll of black foil. With heat the foil bonds to the plastisol ink, so when the foil film is pulled off we are left with a beautiful, smooth, shiny surface. This turned out perfectly for the black on black look we wanted.

Print of the Month

Print of the Month

NTYM came to us with foil in mind. Even though it’s not something we have on our website or that we do frequently, we said sure! There are thousands of screen printing products built to produce almost anything you can imagine on garments. We’ve even invented several techniques to achieve something that was asked of us. If you have any ideas for what you want your prints to look like or feel like, please tell us (no matter how crazy you think it sounds). We will let you know if it’s impossible, but usually we can help you find something that matches your vision and we can produce something as cool as this 16 Black shirt.

Jesse is our Creative Director. He splits his time between the Art Department and Creative duties, looking to innovate and push the company in both areas (unless he overslept.)

Filed under: Newsletter