Tutorial: Creating Distressed Art in Photoshop using Textures
Posted August 26th, 2015 by Jesse MacKenzie

Distressing Final

The method I am going to show you today is accomplished entirely in Adobe Photoshop (ok, you caught me, I made the original lettering in Illustrator). If you are more comfortable in Illustrator and you missed my first distressing article, I’d suggest checking it out here. This new method feels slightly more advanced to me, but if you are more familiar with Photoshop than Illustrator that will certainly not be the case…

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Tutorial: How to Create Distressed Art in Illustrator with the Grain Effect
Posted June 23rd, 2015 by Jesse MacKenzie

This is the first post in our Distressing Tutorial Series. Distressed art refers to the grungy, faded, or damaged aesthetic that has become quite prominent (especially in t-shirt design). Of course I know we’re all too cool to jump on the latest fad, but in this case it is popular for some good reasons…

Filed under: Tutorials | 10 Comments »