Let’s Talk About Stealing Art
Posted February 8th, 2018 by Jesse MacKenzie

Stop Stealing Art

I’d like to spend a couple minutes talking about something that’s been on my mind a lot recently. It’s something we deal with a lot here at Trust, and it’s something I’ve seen a lot of people in our industry completely ignore: stealing artwork…


List: 10 Great Free Fonts for T-Shirt Design
Posted August 10th, 2015 by Jesse MacKenzie

Sullivan Font

Hello fellow t-shirt designers. Let’s talk about fonts for a minute. If you have any sort of formal design education or if you have ever spent time on your own learning design practices then you have most certainly had “font choice” smashed into your brain from all sides…

Filed under: Art | 11 Comments »

Common Oversights in Art
Posted July 22nd, 2015 by Justin White

We want to be able to make mockups for our customers as quickly as we can. One of the few things that can slow us to a halt is bad art. Sometimes it’s an easy fix, but other times the art has to be completely remade, and that can suddenly throw things into a rush. It’s not fun telling someone they have to remake their entire design, especially when the only change to be made is at the very beginning, with the size of the art file…

Filed under: Art | 12 Comments »

List: 3 Easy Ways to Reduce Printing Costs
Posted July 6th, 2015 by Jesse MacKenzie

Alright, here we go. The first article about pricing. In most situations this is a touchy subject that must be talked about with careful consideration. Luckily for me, I’m a part of a company that makes it extremely easy to talk about money…

Filed under: Art | 7 Comments »

Art Tutorial
Posted January 22nd, 2015 by Jesse MacKenzie

Great prints come from great art. We know that professional artists aren not the only people who need shirts, so this art tutorial will help anyone with basic knowledge of some kind of art creation software to generate the best art possible. If you end up deciding to outsource your art instead, please refer to our Working with Designers article.

Filed under: Art, Educate | 16 Comments »