Making People’s Favorite Shirts: Garments
Posted April 3rd, 2017 by Jesse MacKenzie

Showing off Melt's new Shirts

This month I’d like to focus in on a simple way to get your shirts worn more and get your message to more people’s eyeballs. Let’s talk about upgrading garments…

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Trust Newsletter — February 2017
Posted February 28th, 2017 by Jesse MacKenzie

This month’s Long Lunch Friday was a very special Fort Worth friends edition. We started at Spiral Diner for some excellent vegan meals and then walked over to Melt for some of the best dessert in Fort Worth…

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Trust Newsletter — January 2017
Posted January 31st, 2017 by Jesse MacKenzie

January Newsletter

Welcome to the 2017 Newsletter! We have already made a huge change to start the year which we will address in a minute, but along with that we have some really exciting goals for ourselves that will really enhance us as a company and in turn enhance our product and our customer experience.

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Taking on Retina: A Resolution Test
Posted December 20th, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

Printing resolution has always been a huge point of focus for Trust. We pride ourselves on our details, and we consistently critique our prints with magnifying glasses and high standards. Over the past few years we have pushed ourselves and our vendors to produce the highest resolution prints that we possibly can. Our mesh, emulsion, imaging, exposure, software, and processes have all been changed or updated to optimize our details. After all that work, it was extremely exciting when we realized our 600 dots per inch resolution nearly doubles the 326 pixels per inch of the iPhone 7 retina screen…

Filed under: Prints | 8 Comments »

2016 Year in Review
Posted December 15th, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

Here we are again. Another year has come and gone. 2015 was a major year of transition for Trust as we moved our business to Fort Worth and tried to get used to an entirely new and different environment. A lot changed in 2016 as well, but we spent the whole year under the strong unifying feeling that 2506 Tillar St. and Fort Worth as a whole were Trust’s home…

Filed under: Holiday, News | 9 Comments »

Trust Newsletter — November 2016
Posted December 1st, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

I can barely believe it, but this is already the last newsletter of the year…

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Navigating a Crazy Holiday Schedule
Posted November 22nd, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

Here we are again! It’s the middle of November which means it’s time for wonderful food, beautiful winter weather, and time spent with friends and family. However, if you’re planning to stock up on garments for a holiday rush or if you need to place orders on a tight schedule, it’s important to remember it’s also the season of icy roads, national holidays, and shipping delays…

Filed under: Holiday | 7 Comments »

BJR Career & Technology Center Field Trip
Posted November 16th, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

On Tuesday a group of students visited from the BJR Career and Technology Center to tour the shop and learn about screen printing…

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Trust Newsletter: New Equipment and a New Space to Put it In!
Posted November 1st, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

This month we continued our annual tradition of packing the team up and taking off on an intense 5-minute road trip to the Fort Worth Convention Center for the Imprinted Sportswear Show (ISS). We certainly count ourselves lucky to have this show so close to home. Because of the convenience, we were able to get almost the entire team out there to meet people, explore new technology, and get inspired by award winning prints…

Filed under: Newsletter | 13 Comments »

Trust Newsletter: A Family Vacation and an Awesome New Tool
Posted September 30th, 2016 by Jesse MacKenzie

Trust Stats

We like to think of ourselves as a family, but that picture isn’t complete without a family vacation. And so, Trust hit the road early this month and headed for a weekend in beautiful New Braunfels…

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